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I've been diagnosed with a small labral tear and mixed Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) in my right hip. This blog follows my efforts to do something about it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My First Hip Surgery-Related Nightmare

I tend to have nightmares when I get stressed about things. So I'm not at all surprised that I had a nightmare about hip surgery last night. But upon a bit of reflection this morning, I found it sort of funny.

Basically, I went to the hospital to have the surgery, having never met the surgeon. They prepped me and suddenly I panicked. I wasn't sure, if I didn't speak with the surgeon, if he'd know which hip he was supposed to operate on. I was told not to worry about it...to just draw a smily face on my right hip, and they'd know what to do. So I responded, "but shouldn't I at least meet the surgeon before you guys put me under?" I was told that this was purely routine and if there were a problem, I'd be introduced. But then I had to wait, wearing a thin blue surgical gown that did not keep me warm at all, and they told me that the surgeon was running behind schedule, and that I should just spend the night at the hospital, and they'll get around to performing the surgery at some point during the night or early morning. So, I held my husband's hand and I fell asleep.

And then I woke in a cold sweat, freaking out and wondering why I would let my dream-self progress so far into the surgical process without having met the surgeon.


  1. I know it was just a dream...but they ask you about 15 times what hip they're operating on. They have to hear it from you. Then, the doctor will autograph it! I had BW in some kind of permanent, hospital pen, ink on my hip for at least 10 days! So your dream wasn't too far off. :)

  2. I was laughing hard when you said "gown that didn't keep you warm" yay :) Talk about personal experience. I wonder why they these people keep the temperature so low, you end up chilling in bed.

    By the way, have you heard about asr hip replacement recall?

  3. Your dream really is funny. I was laughing on the “draw a smiley face on your right hip” part. I have witnessed surgeons drawing some marks on the patient before operation, but never did I see a smiley face. I wonder if the patients subjected for DePuy Hip Replacement Recall were also asked to draw the smiley face on their affected hip.
