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I've been diagnosed with a small labral tear and mixed Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) in my right hip. This blog follows my efforts to do something about it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Experiment - Part 2

So it's been 24 hours since my Pilates experiment. Drumroll please.....the result is that I am not sure if I can do it or not. I know, pretty anticlimactic. Basically, my sciatica (I think that's the muscle in my butt that was spasm-ing but I'm not sure) bothered me off and on for the remainder of the day. I rolled it out with a foam roller in the evening, and that helped somewhat, and I iced it twice, which also may have helped. This morning I woke without that pain (though the other side hurt a bit). So I don't know.

Could it have been triggered by the Pilates? Absolutely. Could it have been something else? Sure. Am I scared and did I go into the typical worry-cycle assuming the worst? Of course. Will I give Pilates another chance? Yes, but I'll ease into it...I'll keep up with my physical therapy and take one day at a time. And I'll wait a week before attempting Pilates again.

I wish this were easier and that there were some guarantees. I guess there are some guarantees, though just not the kind I want. I'm guaranteed that if I go out and run, I'll be in pain. I'm guaranteed that if I don't move, my muscles will weaken. That seems to be the extent of my guarantees at the moment. That, taxes and eventually death. You know what? Maybe I'm not so keep on guarantees after all :-)

1 comment:

  1. It was likely your piriformis muscle. ;-) The term sciatica refers to pain/numbness caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. Often happens as it travels under the piriformis muscle in your butt. Google piriformis syndrome.
